Frequently asked questions


We follow all media – print, television, radio, internet portals, blogs, podcasts, Youtube shows, as well as social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube). If necessary, we also follow comments on internet portals, as well as selected forums.

When it comes to all media except social networks, the method of distribution is chosen by the client in accordance with their needs. The KlipingMAP web platform, the Kliping mobile app, as well as e-mail deliveries (optionally once or multiple times a day) are available. In the mobile app, you can activate notifications in real time on the desired topic in just a few clicks, and in that way you will be immediately informed about any new media report that we have registered for you. Also, for negative reports, Alarm clipping is available – distribution of reports via SMS. Posts from social networks are delivered through the Metricom mobile app, where you can also set up multiple distribution options – real-time notifications, sending reports daily, weekly, etc.

No, the Alarm clipping service can be activated per request and is not charged extra. The first step is to define alarming situations (reports) with the client, whether they are exclusively negative reports, whether they are also reports that are not directly negative, but it is necessary to pay special attention to them, and the like. After that, we define the method of distribution – it is possible to deliver alarms via e-mail, SMS, as well as notifications through the mobile app. Of course, it is possible to order the Alarm clipping service as a separate service, regardless of whether you are our existing client or not. In crisis situations, we react as quickly and efficiently as possible and strive to be a true partner for our clients in providing timely and objective information.

The number of keywords and users is not limited by default. The number of users does not affect the price, so you can have as many users as you like. When it comes to keywords or topics, their number does not affect the price either, but the number of posts they generate during one month does. So, the price depends exclusively on the amount of media reports that we register for you and deliver to you. An optimal and smart choice of keywords in accordance with your real needs can make that price more favourable.

Yes, Kliping has the biggest archive of media reports for a period of more than a decade, so it is possible to enable the search of archive material in addition to regular monitoring.

Absolutely – Kliping is a member of the international Newton Media Group, one of the leading European and global media monitoring groups. Through a network of companies from Newton Media Group, we offer monitoring of media outlets from all Balkan and Central European countries. As the only agency that operates in Serbia and is a member of the international federation of media monitoring agencies FIBEP, we also offer monitoring of all global media outlets.


Advertising Value Equivalence (AVE) of reports is based on the price of advertisement in accordance with the valid media price lists in Serbia, excluding discounts and agency fees.

Primary publicity means that the activities of a certain company are reported on in a large part of a text or in its entirety. Within secondary publicity, the company is mentioned in a smaller part of the publication, i.e. the activities are an addition to the main topic.

Multiple keywords can be mentioned in one media report. For this reason, the number of media appearances of topics is many times higher than the number of publications.

Circulation is the number of printed copies of a newspaper/magazine, which can vary depending on the day it is published (daily newspaper) or the period of the month/quarter/year. Readership implies not only the number of newspapers/magazines sold, but also the number of people who have read a particular newspaper/magazine. It is based on the average number of people who read an individual copy of a particular newspaper/magazine.


  1. Reach on social media shows the total number of people who have seen your content on social media.
  2. Impressions show how many times the post was shown to an online audience. Impressions are usually higher than reach because the same person will see your post multiple times. Impressions will increase if a user “shares” your post with their followers.
  3. Engagement represents the total number of interactions (likes, loves, wows, hahas, sads, angrys, thankfuls, prides, cares, shares, comments, retweets, favourites, views, likes, dislikes, favourites, likes, saves) on a particular post.

CPM (Cost per mile) represents the value of a post per 1,000 impressions shown in euros, while CPE (Cost per engagement) is the value of the post depending on how many engagements there are (shown in euros).


The standard languages ​​we offer are all the languages ​​of Balkan and Central European countries, as well as English, German, French, Italian and Spanish. In addition, through our network of partners, we also offer quality translations into almost all global languages ​​in a short time and at affordable prices.

Our editorial department prepares special daily reports (editorials) for clients in which it conveys all relevant media information in a concise and methodical way, excludes the irrelevant, and thus saves up to 95% of your time for reviewing clipping.